Learnings from decision making quotes

The quotes from greatest of leaders from history and modern times are very inspirational. They provide us with motivation, direction and clarity depending on what our situation in life is currently. Some of the quotes on decision making that I have come across over the years are my favorite because they made sense at that time particularly as I made practical application to real life decision making situations.

I found them from various sources such as quoted on books, internet and talks. As they have inspired me and guided me in actual situations over the years. I am sharing them with the hope that you will benefit from them. I think there are really good and usable on a day-to-day basics to help you develop a good decision making acumen.

As you read each one of these quotes, I would recommend making a note what would you do different or change in how you approach life or work or how you just doing things. Make it actionable and you will truly benefit.

Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. 
- Aristotle

Learnings: To make a lot of decisions and not be afraid of making bad decisions. The ability to make ‘good’ decisions comes from the very act of making decisions over and over again, and learning from mistakes. To realize that the fear of the unknown is real and can sometimes be paralyzing. But to not trade ‘making a decision’ with ‘not making a decision’. Understanding that a bad decision is only bad when one does not pick up lessons learned from the process.

Every decision you make ... is a decision about Who You Are. 
- Neale Donald Walsch

Learnings: That for any situation different people will make different decision and really depends on who the person is. Be self-aware of your state of mind and thinking when faced with making a decision. If you realize it is not healthy, possibly defer the decision making  and deal with the state of mind. And finally ask the ask who am I and who I want to be.

Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results. 
- Scott Adams

Learnings: Owning your decisions and letting of victim mentality of blaming others for results and circumstances in one’s life.

Not eating meat is a decision, eating meat is an instinct.
- Denis Leary

Learnings: Meat is a metaphor here. Some decisions are made consciously and some are made from sub-concious state. Most situations and decisions, one follows or acts on their instinct.

Making a wrong decision is understandable. Refusing to search continually for learning is not. 
- Phil Crosby

Learnings: Conscious learning is a human gift and ability. Making wrong decisions is ok as many times one will but not striving to broaden one’s horizons through continuous learning in not ok.

Time plays a role in almost every decision. And some decisions define your attitude about time.
- John Cale

Learnings: Time is a commodity that is non-replenishable. We must realize that and act in a manner that does not waste time most often manifesting itself in procrastinating making decisions.

The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision. 
- Maimonides

Learnings: Indecision or not making a decision is a decision in itself and most of the time not deciding carries a higher risk than any of the options available for making decision. Realize that the fear of consequences from a wrong decision is very real, but the risks of indecision outweighs the fears.

I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Learnings: It takes time to understand oneself.

Chance favors only the prepared mind.
- Louis Pasteur

Learnings: There is no substitute for being prepared mentally for the occasion. When opportunity strikes those that are prepared make the most out of it.

The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy it's victim. - Sun Tzu

Learnings: A quality decision is every effective in accomplishing the objective. One must put the effort to make a quality decision.

Be willing to make decisions. That’s the most important quality in a good leader. 
- George S. Patton

Learnings: It is a fundamental quality of the leader to be able to make decisions. A leader needs to have the ability, willingness and readiness to make decisions when called upon.

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.
- William James

Learnings: Indecision is a reflection of an unprepared, unassured person. Such a person is miserable due to the circumstances dictating their life instead of this person taking charge of their own life.

I hope you enjoy these quotes on decision making. If you have one like you that you personally like and would like to share, click the contact us link.